PTP Mundo Maya

GUATEMALA - Official DMC represented by Latisur

Participant in the BLA 2024: Mrs Ericka Pocasangre – Resp. Italian market

PTP Mundo Maya is a TO and DMC with more than 30 years of experience in the incoming tourism market. E’ a consolidated and recognized company with a high level of personalized service and in which the human factor is one of the great resources. All our staff, both office and operational, it is constant training. PTP Mundo Maya is committed to solidarity and sustainability actions, works side by side with different communities to create sustainable projects.

“Our commitment is to give you the best tools to be able to sell the destination. We offer Guatemala and product presentations to train sales and reservations teams so they can gain a better understanding of our country. We are specialists in Taylor Made, of the Regulars in small groups and we offer the opportunity for unique experiences through itineraries Thematic. The scope completes our proposal Mice.

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